Download Black Acres The Complete Collection Audible Audio Edition Ambrose Ibsen Joe Hempel Books

By Olga Beard on Sunday, May 19, 2019

Download Black Acres The Complete Collection Audible Audio Edition Ambrose Ibsen Joe Hempel Books

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Download PDF Black Acres The Complete Collection Audible Audio Edition Ambrose Ibsen Joe Hempel Books

There's no place like home....

Kim and Julian Taylor are in the market for their first home, and a visit to the secluded Beacon estate finds them enamored. It's a peculiar home, rather large and in need of some renovations. The price is right, however, and after a tour, they snap the house up without hesitation. 

The man who sells them the house has one last detail to share before they sign on the dotted line. The previous owners of the home disappeared under mysterious circumstances nearly eight years ago and have recently been declared dead in absentia. Unperturbed by this fact, Kim and Julian set about making the home their own. 

It quickly becomes clear that the two of them are not alone there, however. 

This volume contains all four installments of the serialized novel Black Acres In Absentia, The Borderland, The Amber Light, and In Darkness. It also contains a brief preface by the author.

Download Black Acres The Complete Collection Audible Audio Edition Ambrose Ibsen Joe Hempel Books

"Although I read a lot I rarely write reviews. A book has to be really good or really bad to prompt me to write a review. This book was REALLY GOOD. Scary without being gory. Very scary as a matter of fact. I told my husband I would never read it if he was going to be out of town. The only thing I can say that might be construed as a negative is the author's use of some words which, in some cases, I do not feel were used correctly in the sentences they appeared and in other cases I felt they did not flow with the rest of the writing style. However, this did not prevent my overall enjoyment of the book nor would it prevent me from reading other books by this author."

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 9 hours and 20 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Ambrose Ibsen
  • Release Date March 15, 2019
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

Read Black Acres The Complete Collection Audible Audio Edition Ambrose Ibsen Joe Hempel Books

Tags : Black Acres The Complete Collection (Audible Audio Edition) Ambrose Ibsen, Joe Hempel Books, ,Ambrose Ibsen, Joe Hempel,Black Acres The Complete Collection,Ambrose Ibsen,B07PMN2LVJ

Black Acres The Complete Collection Audible Audio Edition Ambrose Ibsen Joe Hempel Books Reviews :

Black Acres The Complete Collection Audible Audio Edition Ambrose Ibsen Joe Hempel Books Reviews

  • Repetative. Unlikable protagonists. 2 stars because I skimmed through to the end, but it took awhile, had to keep putting it down because the characters kept doing ridiculous things. "We have to leave, there's something horrible happening in this house! " 10 minutes later, some character - "This house is fine, I'm very comfortable here." Ugh.
  • The premise for this book is good, but the way the story is told makes it tedious reading. The author tells the story of the strange happenings at Kim and Julian's new house through Kim's thoughts. The author tells the reader what Kim is thinking, page after page after page, over and over and over. Occasionally something happens. Kim screams, husband Julian comes running, and Julian explains it away with logic. He doesn't believe her, so eventually she stops telling him things. Then one day Kim freaks out and wants to leave. He agrees to take her away from the house so they can discuss it. Of course, the car won't start. Instead of calling for help, they stay in the house, have dinner, watch a movie, and fall asleep on the couch. When she awakens in the middle of the night, she starts wandering through the house. Really? Spoiler alert The bad thing is upstairs. Julian awakes to Kim's screaming and finds her unquestionably dead in a closet. He goes downstairs to get the phone to call for help, but when he gets back upstairs, the body is gone. At this point, he hangs up on the dispatcher. Again, really?! The rest of the story involves Julian's thoughts, page after page after page, as he searches for his wife. Is she alive? Dead? At no point does he try to leave or get help from the authorities. The ending is predictable. These characters are unsympathetic and not very smart. Things happened that were supposed to be scary, but they just made me laugh. This book is poorly written and ridiculous.
  • The writer does a very good job building suspense,but then does little with it. My first question is, why are these two people, the main characters, married? They don't seem to particularly like each other. She refers to him as a bully, and he is very condescending toward her. How could the old man possibly be an apparition? He drives a pickup. What is the signifigance of the white masks? They're mentioned several times. What, exactly, was Dakota's baby, and where did it come from? Why is Dakota always naked? There are too many loose ends--I kept reading, almost all night, and got very few answers. There are some very poignant moments, however, when the old couple are waiting for their 'child' to come home. The writer shines in those scenes. It is too bad the main characters weren"t more likable--their lack of a personal connection with each other detracts from the story.
  • Although I read a lot I rarely write reviews. A book has to be really good or really bad to prompt me to write a review. This book was REALLY GOOD. Scary without being gory. Very scary as a matter of fact. I told my husband I would never read it if he was going to be out of town. The only thing I can say that might be construed as a negative is the author's use of some words which, in some cases, I do not feel were used correctly in the sentences they appeared and in other cases I felt they did not flow with the rest of the writing style. However, this did not prevent my overall enjoyment of the book nor would it prevent me from reading other books by this author.
  • One of the best in the horror genre that I've read in quite a long time. I'm rather a veteran of the genre, and it takes a lot to spook me. This one certainly did. I have some minor quibbles with the main characters - I would have preferred to like them more, greater pathos. Regardless ... Excellent read!
  • The concept is good and interesting but the plot was not well de developed it listed the trail at some points and the end felt hurried, there are some details that are not answered.
  • I enjoyed getting to know the characters, and the supernatural twist. I don't really enjoy malformed creatures in books. It is hard to picture them in my mind.
  • Some scarry parts worth reading. I would have liked it to move faster, but it really painted an eerie picture!